Egg sandwich


Here is a bento in its natural environment – my very messy desk (thank goodness for close-ups so you can’t see the full horror!). I needed to take photos at school and left my camera at home last night, so I couldn’t get a picture of the bento when it was freshly made. However, the beauty of this is you can see how well bentos hold up after a treacherous commute to school in a purse.

There is an egg sandwich with one egg, a smallish blob of light mayo, black pepper, lettuce, on one slice of sprouted grain bread in one tier. The other tier holds one of two home-made Lara bars (snacked on one in-between classes – the coffee smoothie recipe I tried for breakfast was deelish but didn’t have much staying power), a sliced mini cucumber, and some Greek yogurt with a spoonful of jam (black cherry, blood orange, and something else… yummy but unfortunately not PDD-approved, so the giant jar of it isn’t getting eaten by my resident jam-o-phile even though he picked it out).

Being that I had my camera at school, I was finally able to snap this little gem that my son wrote on my board as a joke a few weeks ago:


Fun homework 🙂

~Nutritional stats on the bento: 452 cal, 50g carb (26g sugars thanks to the dates in the Lara bar), 18g fat, 25g protein, 518mg sodium.

2 thoughts on “Egg sandwich

    • Thank you 🙂 At this time in the school year, it’s very visually busy in my classroom, but I like it because it serves as evidence of the journey my students and I have been on this year.

Tell us veggie bento lovers what you think!